A Feast of Ice and Fire Recipe Beef and Bacon Pie

by Blake Stilwell of (according to numerous online Game of Thrones-based personality tests) Business firm Baratheon.

" data-medium-file="https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=569" class="wp-image-704" alt=""Our Favorite Food"" src="https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=341&h=309" width="341" height="309" srcset="https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=341&h=309 341w, https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=150&h=136 150w, https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg?w=300&h=272 300w, https://aseatenontv.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/house_baratheon_wallpaper_by_siriuscrane-d53id3m.jpg 569w" sizes="(max-width: 341px) 100vw, 341px">

"Ours is Our Favorite Food"

I actually believe if Firm Stilwell had a place in Westeros, our sigil would likely be a fat deport, wearing a bib and drinking  two fingers of scotch. I also call back this is probably Robert Baratheon'southward personal sigil, one he just never talked nearly.  But this isn't most me, this is a celebration!


This month, HBO dropped the latest season of Game of Thrones on Blu-Ray, a gift for which I have already pre-ordered for my mother (information technology was her Christmas souvenir. Don't gauge me. I got schmaltzy gifts for her for the past v years and I think she actually liked this much better). Of course I didn't expect for this to watch. Who perhaps could? To celebrate this momentous occasion (and maybe have it available for this twelvemonth's premiere of Season Iv), Every bit Eaten brings you something as epic as the Game of Thrones theme song: a hearty dish from the North!


Not that far N.

No, not Ygritte. It's a Beef and Bacon Pie, from the lands around Winterfell! The recipe comes from A Feast of Ice and Fire: the Official Game of Thrones Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Sariann Lehrer, based on their blog Inn At The Crossroads. This book is more than than a recipe volume. Its an exhaustively-researched history of food and medieval cookery. It'southward a fascinating mix of narrative and historical context. I highly recommend this. It's then much more than a cookbook. And if you're throwing a Game of Thrones-themed political party, you will not find a better companion!


Well.. mayhap 1 meliorate companion…

The Due north of Westeros is a vast, cold place. As such, the food tends to toward what we in the US phone call "comfort food." They are heavy, hearty plates, full of meats, gravies, breads, and such. This recipe is no dissimilar. The difference is where the comfort food in the US tin can be bland at times, save the use of salt and pepper, the use of fruits and spices in this  meat mixture brings a unique, exotic flavor.


It'll sense of taste improve than y'all think it will.

But you'll demand to start with the medieval pastry dough. There is a special recipe, and the first ingredient should exist an indicator of the uniqueness of flavors I'grand talking about. If it sounds weird that the North of Westeros uses Saffron in its baking doughs, there is a very interesting explanation, based in both the lore of the Game of Thrones universe besides as Medieval History, thoroughly researched and presented to the reader. It's really a expert read. And it's delicious.

Pinch of Saffron
ane/2 C Water
1/2 C Unsalted Butter
three C Flour ii Egg Yolks, beaten

Dissolve the saffron in the water. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until there are just crumb-sized pieces. Add the egg yolks and saffron water until the mixture is gluey. To pre-bake a shell, line a pan with sparse-rolled dough.use a fork to poke holes all over the bottom of the pastry shells. Bake for x minutes at 350°F.


Beef and Bacon Pie

The book offers 2 recipes, a mod version and a medieval version. The recipe I used from this volume is more of the medieval sort, which I think more appropriate, given the setting of the evidence and books.

one/2 c thick-cut bacon, diced
1 i/2 lbs stew beef, diced
1/ii tsp blackness pepper 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c scarlet wine vinegar
1/3 c prunes
i/3 c raisins
1/iii c dates pitted and chopped
1 c beef broth
2-3 tbsp flour
1 egg, browbeaten

Preheat oven to 375° F. Melt the salary in a saucepan until the fatty runs from information technology, then drain off the fat. To the bacon pan, add the beef, spices, vinegar, and fruits. Add enough broth to wet the mixture until its runny. Mix in the flour and cook until the juices form a gravy. Absurd the mixture. Line a 9-inch pie pan with a pastry dough and fill up information technology with the meat mixture.

The volume calls for a pastry lid. Just the book has a great photo of a pie with a bacon lattice lid, so nosotros decided to get with this because it was so much more ballsy. We used the remaining chewy salary that wasn't quite crispy to form the lattice so it would crips in the oven. The fruit volition melt as the pie bakes and course a sweet, salty, savory mix of flavors that is admittedly fantastic.


Onions in Gravy

10 oz boiler or pearl onions
1 Tbsp dearest
1 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 sprig of freshly chopped savory herb, such as rosemary or thyme
1/3 c apple cider
1 tbsp flour
three c beefiness stock
Splash of Brandy

Clean and peel the onions. Quarter seven of them and put the rest aside. In a deep frying pan, add together the honey, herbs, and quartered onions.make sure the onions go covered with the beloved-butter mixture, cook for eight minutes, browning the onions. Add together the cider to the pan in 3 distinct splashes. let the cider heat betwixt splashes. Sprinkle flour into the pan and grade a gravy. Add the stock and the rest of the onions and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 minutes and reduce until it has a thicker, more than gravy-like consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. We garnished with rosemary because it looked nice and we had some left over.


This one-ii dial combination of sweetness and savory is a filling, hearty meal fit for you or any Stark. Any Stark that may even so exist live, that is.


Source: https://aseatenontv.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/beef-and-bacon-pie-with-onions-in-gravy-game-of-thrones/

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