Read Winter's Fallen by a.f. Dery Online Free

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 · 207 ratings  · 24 reviews
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Dr susan
I acknowledge I similar the Broken Mirrors duology improve. Winter's Fallen had less humor and a love triangle. I do not similar honey triangles, especially when I like both possible dearest interests. I liked that Grace grew and learned to stand up up for herself, although her cocky esteem all the same needed some work. I am not thrilled with the ending, and I hope in that location volition be a second book. I cannot say more without a spoiler, but Winter'southward Fallen does not cease with a cliffhanger. I admit I like the Cleaved Mirrors duology better. Winter's Fallen had less sense of humour and a beloved triangle. I do non similar love triangles, peculiarly when I like both possible love interests. I liked that Grace grew and learned to stand up for herself, although her self esteem still needed some work. I am not thrilled with the ending, and I hope there will exist a 2d book. I cannot say more without a spoiler, just Winter's Fallen does not stop with a bewilderment. ...more
✨ Gramy ✨
I institute this adventure extremely monontonous and dreary. There were some interesting spots, but non enough for certain. At that place were some intriquing twists and turns.

Characters did not develop enough for the length of the story and the plot was indecipherable.

The grammatical errors were distracting.

However, it was a make clean read and that makes it worth more than!

five with a caveat...This author badly needs an editor. While the problems were non enough to completely pull me from the story they did brand me want to grab a red pen. The same goes for all of her other books. I read them in a brusque readathon concluding weekend and the same problems occur in all of her books. The characterizations are enough to make me keep reading though! Her characters are flawed, human and eminently interesting.
February 18, 2016 rated it really liked it
iii.5 ish

Interesting but...something i cant put my finger on now bugs me

This a story where I wished she picked both men instead of the recluse mass murderer for a love involvement. At least she was off-white. She did run away and sentenced her village and family to servitude, rape, pillage and the residual.
Summary of my needlessly long review: Overall, no surprises, and seemed similar the volume did not take long to write. I recollect the author had some good ideas and if she expanded on some of those original ideas and avoided the rewrite of Twilight, this could take been a great story. Note: I did not end upwardly finishing the book, merely I read the vast majority of information technology, and although towards the end it diverged from the Twilight rewrite, I had already lost interest in the characters.
Everyone must have br
Summary of my needlessly long review: Overall, no surprises, and seemed like the book did not take long to write. I think the author had some expert ideas and if she expanded on some of those original ideas and avoided the rewrite of Twilight, this could have been a nifty story. Notation: I did non end up finishing the volume, only I read the vast bulk of it, and although towards the terminate it diverged from the Twilight rewrite, I had already lost interest in the characters.
Anybody must have encephalon impairment by the terminate of this book. Head trauma is common in this magical globe. Actually, there was barely whatsoever other description of the world except that it seems medieval and magical, that's it. I think I liked the story more than before the tertiary bespeak in the dear triangle officially announced himself. Let's call him Jacob, and he but buds into Edward and Bella's blossoming romance. What?? I mixed upwards the characters with some other series? No… no, unfortunately I oasis't. Okay, so the story is not original, but at least Edward'due south stand-in, Hadrian, was a mage and the story was in a magical land which I thought was easier to swallow than our world swarming with hole-and-corner, yet extremely obvious and destructive magical creatures that human gild is too stupid to officially notice.
Hadrian, of grade, is a killer and has suicidal tendencies, but no worries, no one except the reader and wolf-human want him to actually dice. Bella, or Grace, is pretty much a virgin maid (no, I don't mean maiden) that everyone loves even though she is, as she explains over and over again, so extraordinarily plain. Her self-esteem issues get a real drag. At to the lowest degree she is compassionate, but that's near it; she seemed similar a lame main character and was simply a supporting part for the men. It might accept been a good idea for the author to provide more of a story in the beginning with Grace in her hamlet then we would not accept to constantly hear about how she normally doesn't speak upwards or fence or perform whatever social act, until now; and of class she does it constantly now, making her seem similar she had some serious delusions almost how she behaved pre-belfry. Wolf-man should remain a fluffy pet wolf forever and practise everyone a favor and kill Hadrian. I too wanted Edward to die in the Twilight series and so I may be biased. We defend the people nosotros associate with because we tend to surround ourselves with people who, in some ways, we perceive every bit reflections of ourselves, and then I get why Grace wants Hadrian to live, but again he's a elevate most of the time and he seems to take a backseat when wolf-man makes his debut. There's a bit as well much self-reflection that I wish was express. Actions speak louder than words, even in books.
Best scene was when wolf-man transformed into a man the second time and Grace witnessed it. I e'er imagined werewolf transformations equally being painful and I believe Grace'southward feelings and observations were the almost realistic feelings expressed in the entire book. There was disgust, fear, guilt because she wanted to run away, just compassion considering she knew this man and knew she had to suck it upward and be a good friend. I thought the scene was well washed.
...more than
November 18, 2015 rated information technology liked it
Information technology started off well!

We have Grace who runs off later on being selected equally this year'due south tax/piece of ass for the warlord. She gets lost in a snowstorm and dragged by a wolf to a tower where a depressed blind mage is wallowing.

The mage holds off on committing suicide to take care of Grace while she's ill, and thus begins a decent relationship. I don't mean relationship in a romantic sense (in the outset), but a mutually satisfactory friendship. And once that turns into a more romantic arena I was

It started off well!

We have Grace who runs off later on being selected equally this year'south tax/piece of donkey for the warlord. She gets lost in a snowstorm and dragged by a wolf to a tower where a depressed bullheaded mage is wallowing.

The mage holds off on committing suicide to take care of Grace while she's ill, and thus begins a decent relationship. I don't hateful human relationship in a romantic sense (in the starting time), but a mutually satisfactory friendship. And one time that turns into a more romantic arena I was okay with it.

And so walks our unnecessary, forced-in-for-dramaz, third bike love triangle. Really the whole situation could take worked out just fine (and better), if Rupert hadn't been thrust in as some kind of transparent love interest. If he had been a true friend to our primary couple the plot twist at the end would have been more heart-wrenching.

Well-nigh that plot twist. Talk about lame and making an easy out for our mage. We elevate through the whoooollllleeeee book with him conveying this weight on his shoulders for nearly a decade, and and then OH BTW LOL (view spoiler)[you lot didn't exercise anything wrong, permit'south blame Rupert since we stuck him in here for no reason now he has a reason yayyyyy (hide spoiler)]. Again if Rupert had actually been someone the readers and even Grace cared almost every bit a friend his big moment would have been more emotional...instead no one really cared well-nigh him, so he was a throw-abroad graphic symbol to begin with.

Having Rupert effectually also turned our mage into a chip of a whiny, pathetic, mess and I lost my interest in him. He was being built upwardly as a homo finding himself over again, even with his incomprehension, with Grace's help...and then he becomes this blob that you just pity, which made him lose any of his romantic lustre.

Shocking of course is that the catastrophe was all OMG DUR nice and neatly tied up in a really middle-coil worthy mode.

Now after all that's said, I did like this book (until the concluding 30/40%). Dery knows how to build up the emotions and have people collaborate in a non-insta-lust way. She tin gently guide a relationship (unlike some authors who basically take a Barbie and Ken doll and smash them together similar a six year former proverb "Now KISSSSS"). This book is well written and I would recommend it to some people.

Sandy Digger
really different

This was such a dissimilar have on a werewolf that I was really surprised. I was expecting a werewolf story in the usual vein, but this is non at all. It starts every bit a story virtually times when overlords were in charge of everyone'south lives. The overlord has come to claim his yearly virgin every bit payment for his men non torching the village. Grace is chosen afterward being in the lineup 5 years without existence called. She panics and runs. She gets lost in the woods and it is snowing a blizzard whe

really different

This was such a dissimilar take on a werewolf that I was really surprised. I was expecting a werewolf story in the usual vein, merely this is not at all. It starts equally a story about times when overlords were in charge of anybody's lives. The overlord has come up to claim his yearly virgin as payment for his men non torching the village. Grace is called after being in the lineup 5 years without being called. She panics and runs. She gets lost in the woods and it is snowing a blizzard when she cannot get whatsoever further and she hears a growl. She sees a wolf and passes out. The wolf is thinking he likes her and doesn't desire her to die in the storm, so he drags her to a castle belfry where a Mage is contemplating killing himself. The Mage is bullheaded and obviously depressed although it is a while earlier we observe out why. He answers the door and the wolf drags Grace in. The Mage (Hadrian) eventually figures out it is a immature woman and he manages to carry her up the stairs and proceeds to have intendance of her. He has very limited supplies and has many struggles in his quest to relieve her. The wolf starts going out and killing for them to have nutrient. An elk, deer, whatever he tin find. Meanwhile the storm is and then bad they are snowed in. At present the story takes a good while to get Grace back to health but have patience and yous will be rewarded for the story develops the plot really well from that point on. Suffice it to say that the wolf somewhen transforms into a human, they both seem to intendance for her and the reasons for Hadrian's depression emerge with gusto. Believe me when I say you volition non believe how the story develops and OMG the catastrophe is a surprise. I was totally shocked at how it ended. Don't worry it has a good catastrophe just not what yous would look. Other than it drags a niggling through Grace's recovery, this was well written. Definitely worth reading. Information technology has the first chapter of the next book which is quite helpful and I am going to purchase it, every bit I think it will be merely every bit adept and I tin can't wait to meet what happens.

Jul 28, 2015 rated it really liked it
This was a free book I got off Barnes and Noble. The cover seemed kind of hokey, and then....I COULDN'T PUT IT Downwardly. I didn't come across that coming!

The cover makes it expect like there might be some bodice ripping happening, you know, because no-one seems to be wearing clothes? But apparently the writer stays away from explicit content, therefore she had time to work the chemistry up to a prissy fine fire.

At that place were a few parts that seemed a little potent. The intro, where (view spoiler)[ Grace...Hope....G

This was a free book I got off Barnes and Noble. The cover seemed kind of hokey, and so....I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN. I didn't see that coming!

The cover makes information technology look similar there might be some bodice ripping happening, you know, because no-i seems to be wearing wearing apparel? Only apparently the author stays away from explicit content, therefore she had time to piece of work the chemical science up to a overnice fine burn.

There were a few parts that seemed a little stiff. The intro, where (view spoiler)[ Grace...Hope....Grace? Darn information technology, I forgot what virtue she was named later on...where she'south selected at the virginal yearly tax the village pays their Overlord, and only runs away, right into the story. It seemed like information technology needed a little more build perhaps?

And the character of Rupert just didn't stand up any sort of chance equally creating a love triangle. I felt lamentable for him, because he evidently had feelings for the Grace, but information technology was as well like he had the plague. And he seemed the scapegoat for EVERYTHING....including the plague, sudden fierce winter, pretty much anything wrong with the world could be blamed on Rupert, information technology just really sucked to be Rupert in this story. Towards the end, he seemed to concord. (hide spoiler)]

I did similar the character of Hadrian, he had a lot of conflict in his life, and had washed a lot of harm to himself but past keeping himself isolated. Fifty-fifty though he was more higher born and educated, he did need someone who had her feet planted a little more firmly on the ground, or else, eating, bathing, cleaning, all those practical things weren't likely to become done. So I felt they made a skillful pair, their friendship seemed natural.

Clotilde Martinez
Grace is a unproblematic shepherdess who always did what she was told. She was happy- just being in the background until i wintertime day, the lord of the land need Grace every bit a "tax" and Grace rebel past running into the forest. Realizing what could happen to her village because of her piffling stunt ,Grace tries to go back only finds herself lost. Rupert the werewolf finds her and drags her to the abode of his enemy Hadrian a blind mage who takes care of Grace. Rupert who is besides a mage blames Hadrian for th Grace is a simple shepherdess who ever did what she was told. She was happy- merely existence in the background until one winter twenty-four hours, the lord of the land demand Grace as a "tax" and Grace rebel by running into the woods. Realizing what could happen to her village considering of her trivial stunt ,Grace tries to go dorsum but finds herself lost. Rupert the werewolf finds her and drags her to the home of his enemy Hadrian a blind mage who takes care of Grace. Rupert who is also a mage blames Hadrian for the expiry of his blood brother and vows to keep Grace safe from Hadrian. Hadrian who has fallen in beloved with Grace is besides keeping an middle out on Rupert. The 2 men joined forces to effigy out a cure to the "plague" that Hadrian created when Hadrian realized Rupert who could not command his magic was there when the get-go outbreak began. Grief stricken, Rupert is turned into rock. Grace and Hadrian returned to her village where she is greeted past her male parent. She is stunned to hear that not only did the village not burned down, the other girls who inspired by Grace's human action of rebellion turned confronting the lord of the land and beats him senseless. No other girls were used every bit a "tax" ever again. I was actually pleased with the character of Grace. It was refreshing to see her grow from a "chump"into an independent woman. Both Hadrian and Rupert were getting on my nerves with their kittenish antics but Grace handled them similar a pro. I can't await to read more almost Grace. ...more
Wolf shifter fantasy fix in the by English language-similar countryside with a young lady trying to escape a captive overlord state of affairs and gets saved by a wolf and a blind mage.
I by and large avoid any books with heroines named afterwards virtues (i.e. Grace, Prudence, Charity, etc...) but I'm glad that I gave this piddling story a try considering it was well written and enough twists to keep my interested with out any sexy time because this is a clean romance.
Grace has lived a aught life trying to avoid notice from
Wolf shifter fantasy set in the past English-like countryside with a young lady trying to escape a convict overlord situation and gets saved by a wolf and a bullheaded mage.
I generally avoid any books with heroines named after virtues (i.e. Grace, Prudence, Charity, etc...) but I'm glad that I gave this petty story a endeavor considering it was well written and enough twists to keep my interested with out any sexy time because this is a clean romance.
Grace has lived a cypher life trying to avert notice from anyone, until she makes anybody notice her. She is probably merely a normal girl side by side door like shepherdess when she gets fought over by the wolf that saved her from a snow storm and blind old guy (although he might by 30ish and not besides sometime so that the story avoids getting into pervy territory). At that place is a second series for the guy that loses Grace and then everyone will eventually get a HEA. The merely foggy wield part of the story was whenever there was magic considering information technology is never really explained how magic works in this world.
203 pages and kindle freebie
iii stars
...more than
3 1/ii stars

I enjoyed this book. It was a concept I hadn't read earlier, 3 people trapped together in a belfry due to harsh winter weather. Information technology was peachy to meet a female person graphic symbol come up into herself, grow and learn how to stand up up for herself and speak her heed whereas before she was a wallflower, content to be ignored by everyone.

I wasn't a fan of the 'dearest' issues the author wrote in. It felt a little strange in some places and very cliched. Some of my biggest problems were but that - that the

3 ane/2 stars

I enjoyed this book. Information technology was a concept I hadn't read earlier, three people trapped together in a tower due to harsh winter weather. It was great to encounter a female character come into herself, grow and learn how to stand upwardly for herself and speak her mind whereas earlier she was a wallflower, content to exist ignored past everyone.

I wasn't a fan of the 'dearest' problems the author wrote in. It felt a little foreign in some places and very cliched. Some of my biggest bug were just that - that the volume felt a little cliched despite it'southward different setting and not bad ideas. This book also did not have any sex scenes in it, witch is just fine. In some ways it was refreshing to read a romance novel that didn't have the steamy scenes.

I liked it enough to option up the second book in the series. I actually want to come across how it turns out.

Gethin Cariad
Totally awesome tale of three characters locked in a tower during what is turning out to exist an unnaturally long wintertime and their alter in attitudes from total, and untrusting strangers, through to intimacy of the heart. Their is a shape-changer who favors a wolf-course, but anyone who thinks this is just a rip-off of Twilight clearly hasn't read it. The fact that i of the main characters happens to be a mage driven blind by his ain regret over his mistakes of the past simply make the story all th Totally crawly tale of three characters locked in a belfry during what is turning out to be an unnaturally long wintertime and their change in attitudes from total, and untrusting strangers, through to intimacy of the heart. Their is a shape-changer who favors a wolf-form, but anyone who thinks this is just a rip-off of Twilight clearly hasn't read information technology. The fact that one of the main characters happens to exist a mage driven bullheaded by his own regret over his mistakes of the by just brand the story all that more engaging. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to read engaging, multi-dimensional characters and how hard circumstances can bulldoze people to the greatest acts of kindness and selflessness. ...more
Country Goose
Entertaining and Enjoyable

Grace is from Haevor. Haevor is governed by a war lord that demands virgin girls every twelvemonth as his tax instead of money or wool. The yr he claims Grace, she runs into a tempest and becomes lost. A wolf drags her to Hadrian'due south door, and Hadrian nurses her back to health.

The plot isn't really predictable, and information technology's non a simple light read. The ending was lacking, and there really wasn't a villain.

I really never liked Rupert, and I am skeptical Grace could have developed mu

Entertaining and Enjoyable

Grace is from Haevor. Haevor is governed by a war lord that demands virgin girls every yr as his tax instead of money or wool. The year he claims Grace, she runs into a storm and becomes lost. A wolf drags her to Hadrian's door, and Hadrian nurses her back to health.

The plot isn't actually anticipated, and it's not a simple light read. The ending was lacking, and in that location really wasn't a villain.

I really never liked Rupert, and I am skeptical Grace could have developed much, if any, emotion for him.

It's a proficient story for teens, though it is a little graphic, but non horribly then.

The Gypsy Emmy
I did non terminate this book at 72%.

It was just so awfully dull. Nix and I mean nothing, could make me pick this book back upwardly once more.

The characters are whiny and just and so weak in every aspect. It was so chasing to come across the author attempt to portray the female lead character equally one with a serenity but vehement strength because all that happened was we got a pathetic, weak character with multiple personality disorder.

And I'm still pretty unsure what the Greek this book was supposed to be near.

Ugh. I fee

I did non finish this volume at 72%.

It was just so clumsily boring. Nothing and I mean nothing, could make me pick this book dorsum up once more.

The characters are whiny and just so weak in every aspect. It was so chasing to see the author attempt to portray the female pb character every bit one with a quiet simply fierce strength considering all that happened was we got a pathetic, weak grapheme with multiple personality disorder.

And I'm still pretty unsure what the Greek this book was supposed to be most.

Ugh. I feel as whiny as these characters. Rant over at present.

Nicola Pike
A very enjoyable read. Grace steadily becomes someone you tin can really appreciate and loses the whiney nature that she has at the get-go. A footling slow in places but overall a lovely volume.

Another reviewer suggested an editor and I would agree. I can honestly say a good editor is worth their weight in gold.

Jennifer Carter
Clean! And engaging

I honey fantasy/romance. Don't want the porn that seems to have taken over the genre. It takes an imaginative author to keep a story moving without reverting to smut. Once you become to know the characters (stay with it) this book becomes emotionally charged and magical. I'yard about to start book 2.

Clean! And engaging

I love fantasy/romance. Don't want the porn that seems to have taken over the genre. Information technology takes an imaginative author to keep a story moving without reverting to smut. In one case you become to know the characters (stay with it) this book becomes emotionally charged and magical. I'm most to start book two.

Richard Fish
Good story

The magic strode through the story helping the tale plow each grapheme to bring a terrible wrong to right and the love between them made the story worth reading I enjoyed it

Holly Bargo
Unexpected ending

I enjoyed this book. It flirts with high fantasy, withal isn't ridiculous with caricatures. Characters take profound conversations and relationships build, no instalove here.

Unexpected catastrophe

I enjoyed this book. Information technology flirts with loftier fantasy, however isn't ridiculous with caricatures. Characters have profound conversations and relationships build, no instalove hither.

May 18, 2015 rated information technology it was ok
dissimilar and non in a good way. couldn't become into it but had to finish it to detect out what happened. unlike and not in a good style. couldn't go into it but had to finish it to find out what happened. ...more
May 27, 2015 rated it did not like it
DNF at 24%. It was and then, so tedious. It may improve further in but I was and so bored I couldn't strength myself to read any further, especially equally I have and so many others waiting in my TBR pile. DNF at 24%. It was so, so irksome. It may amend further in but I was and then bored I couldn't force myself to read whatsoever further, especially as I have and so many others waiting in my TBR pile. ...more
Jun 03, 2015 rated it actually liked it
A depression-key, however surprisingly lovely book that drew me in through its atmosphere and the tranquillity tenderness of its characters. Definitely recommend.
Jan 25, 2016 rated information technology it was ok
There was a love triangle and information technology made me sad. And I felt really bad for the guy who did non get the daughter. He did not become a happy ending.

Overall, the book simply gave me a sad feeling.

Jan xiii, 2016 rated it it was astonishing
Bang-up follow-up to Broken Mirrors, and Broken Lords.
A. F. Dery has loved the fantasy romance genre for many years. A voracious reader, when she had trouble finding the kind of stories she was craving- non-explicit but emotionally engaging romances, in interesting fantasy settings and featuring developed primary characters with adult problems and responsibilities- she decided to write her own. She lives in the U.South. and enjoys reading, writing, music, and s A. F. Dery has loved the fantasy romance genre for many years. A voracious reader, when she had trouble finding the kind of stories she was craving- non-explicit simply emotionally engaging romances, in interesting fantasy settings and featuring adult main characters with adult issues and responsibilities- she decided to write her own. She lives in the U.Due south. and enjoys reading, writing, music, and spending quality fourth dimension with her family. ...more

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